Easy To Clean Upholstered Dining Chairs

Easy To Clean Upholstered Dining Chairs

The word 'Cleaning' somehow comes with a weird ability to make us imagine a messy scenario. But when it comes to cleaning fabric dining chairs, it probably scares the hell out of you as it's not any random furniture that gets clean with a wipe. Now the question is, is there any way to change that?

How to Clean Fabric Dining Chairs

Well, the only ways we see are getting professional help or learning how to clean fabric dining chairs. We're guessing you're not counting the first one as your option.

So, we think you'd be more interested in the second one, and that's what we're going to help you with. Just keep your eyes on the next part.

Table of Contents

  • How to Clean Fabric Dining Chairs or Cleaning Fabric Kitchen Chairs: Step by Step
    • Step – 1: Understand the Need of the Fabric
    • Step – 2: Vacuuming Loose Dirt
    • Step – 3: Making or Mixing Your Solution
    • Step – 4: Spraying and Blotting
    • Step – 5: Using Hydrogen Peroxide.
    • Step – 6: Going for Deeper Cleaning with the Steamer
  • How to Conserve Fabric Upholstery?
    • Vacuuming Regularly
    • Keeping Away from Direct Sunlight
    • Taking Professional Help
  • Which Cleaning Products Do You Need to Avoid?
  • Decoding Manufacturers Cleaning Codes
    • Solvent (S)
    • Water (W)
    • Solvent or Water (SW)
  • Final Words

How to Clean Fabric Dining Chairs or Cleaning Fabric Kitchen Chairs: Step by Step

Wouldn't it have been better if you could just have a manual for cleaning furniture? But unlike machines, they don't come with that, especially when they're fabric dining chairs. So, does it mean you won't clean it? Hell no!

Initially, this kind of furniture asks for the attention of professionals as the regular users don't have much idea about how to give them a thorough cleaning. But today you're going to get out of that circle, and for that, all you need to do is just follow the simple steps we're going to tell you about.

Step – 1: Understand the Need of the Fabric

There's no way to question that not all the furniture comes with the same kind of fabric. As we don't know which one is on your chairs, we say you better figure out the needs of that fabric first.

All the fabrics have their own way through which you can clean or take care of them. In case you've never dealt with this kind of fabric before, try checking out its cleaning care tag.

If you're not seeing one, then pick a smaller area of the fabric and try the cleaner on that part to be sure if the cleaner is working on it or not.

Read Next: Guide on Removing Water Stains from Fabric

Step – 2: Vacuuming Loose Dirt

No matter what kind of fabric it is or how careful you are while using the chair, it'll get caught up with loose dirt for sure. The worst part of having these all over the place is, they can create new stains that might not always go with easy wipes with a clean cloth.

The best way to get rid of loose dirt is to vacuum the chair thoroughly. In order to keep the chair stain-free in the long run, vacuum it on a regular basis.

Step – 3: Making or Mixing Your Solution

If it was vinyl or leather upholstery, you could've just gone with the furniture polish. But for fabric chairs, we say you better go with your DIY solution for cleaning it up.

Now the question is, what kind of solution will actually work for the fabric?

If your chair isn't reactive to any water solution, then we say you better make one on your own. You don't need anything more than water/club soda, white vinegar, and natural dish soap to pull that off.

At first, take one cup of water. You can use club soda too if you like. Then mix ½ cup of white vinegar in it. Once you're done with that, add ½ Tablespoon of natural dish soap to complete the solution.

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Step – 4: Spraying and Blotting

Right after mixing the solution, take a clean spray bottle and put them in it. Now, get a clean towel and spray some of the solutions on it. Make sure the amount of solution sprayed is not too much compared to the stain you want to clean. Then put the towel on the stain and start blotting it.

Step – 5: Using Hydrogen Peroxide.

In case you're not counting water solution as an option for cleaning your chair, you can go hydrogen peroxide as well to get rid of the stain.

To use it, first of all, put some of it on a towel and start blotting the stain. If you really want the best outcome, we say you better use microfiber. To be sure about the effect on the chair's upholstery, try some on a smaller area first.

Step – 6: Going for Deeper Cleaning with the Steamer

A plain towel will not always be enough for ensuring a deep clean. You need something more effective than that. Yes, we're talking about using a steamer.

Once you clean the whole thing with a steamer, make sure you're getting it dry fully before sitting on it again. Otherwise, you might trap moisture within which is definitely nothing good for the chair.

Next Read: How to Clean fabric vertical Blinds Step by Step

How to Conserve Fabric Upholstery?

The more reckless you'll be about the chairs, the harder they'll get to be cleaned. So, the best way to keep your hassles to the lowest is by conserving the fabric upholstery properly.

So, how are you going to do that? Well, there are certain ways including –

Vacuuming Regularly

Do you know the easiest way to make fabrics wear faster? Letting them catch dust and dirt. So, you'll have to keep them away from the upholstery in the first place. To do that, you need to go for a thorough vacuum every week once at least.

This way keeping them cleaner and brighter will become much easier. On top of that, it'll stop the crumbs or dust from getting inside and make the upholstery last longer than you expect. And yes, it helps in stopping common allergens, too, including dust mites.

But make sure the vacuum cleaner you're getting has upholstery attachments good enough to work with your chairs.

Keeping Away from Direct Sunlight

There's nothing that can make a color fade away easily as the sun does. Yes, we're talking about exposing the furniture directly to sunlight for a longer period of time. So, while setting your chairs, make sure you're not putting them in a place where they can get hit directly by the sunlight.

In case you're getting no other spot ideal enough for putting the chairs, we say use curtains to block the light then.

Taking Professional Help

Often we don't consider that as an option unless there's a mess beyond our control. But you need to think beyond that circle when it comes to conserving your fabric upholstery.

When spending your bucks on furniture, you count that as an investment too and investments require proper maintenance in order to get a better outcome.

So, to secure that investment which is your fabric dining chair, you need professional help too for cleaning. It has to be twice a year at least.

While picking up a team of professionals, always go with the one with a good reputation. Inexperienced people come with a chance of ruining your furniture rather than making it better.

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Which Cleaning Products Do You Need to Avoid?

Who knows better than a professional which cleaning products will be perfect for cleaning up your fabric dining chair. But not every time you'll have enough time to give them a call as the lack of instant action might cause permanent damage to the furniture. So, you better go for instant action.

But that doesn't mean you're free to jump on it with any cleaning products you've got around. There are a few of them we think you should strictly avoid when your chairs have fabric upholstery. Let us give you a few names that you need to stay away from.

  • Bleach
  • Ammonia
  • Abrasive Cleaning Products
  • Stronger Acids
  • Alkalis

Decoding Manufacturers Cleaning Codes

If you're thinking that manufacturers leave no clue for you to get an idea about what kind of cleaning products your dining chairs need, then you're wrong. They know that accidents are real, and so are the stains caused by them. But taking the right step at the right will save you from having them permanently.

That's why they give cleaning product codes that can ease your understanding about which product you need to keep around for applying on the chairs for cleaning.

Here's the decodation of those codes;

Solvent (S)

If it's S, then this means you need to go for the Solvent-based cleaning products. It's basically the one that is totally free of water, like the dry cleaning product.

Water (W)

Once you see 'W', then make sure the cleaning product you're choosing for the chair is water-based.

Solvent or Water (SW)

This kind of fabric can be cleaned with both water and solvent-based cleaning products. We call this one the less-hassling kind.

Final Words

There's no doubt that while buying those fabric dining chairs, you've bought them not only because you needed them, but you've also loved them. Clearly. you won't like seeing them getting stained, will you?

So, the best way you keep them as good as new is knowing how to clean fabric kitchen or dining chairs in the first place, unless you want to spend some thick bucks for professional help every time you see a new stain on them.

Easy To Clean Upholstered Dining Chairs

Source: https://www.fabricfits.com/how-to-clean-fabric-dining-chairs/

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